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trip report from the tenth World Wide Web conference in hong kong

afternoon tutorial

secure e-payments (TP4):

speaker: weidong kou & william song, university of hong kong

attendees: 25


the three phases of e-commerce:

  1. negotiation
  2. payment
  3. fulfillment/delivery

traditional payment methods:

e-payment methods:

my comment:

nothing new ... we are still waiting for the break through of SET - or an alternate payment method ... and there is still no practical solution for the micro payment issue.

to main page

production note:

this trip report was written on a Vadem Clio C-1050 running Windows CE with Pocket Word. It was then transferred to a DELL Latitude notebook and modified as needed. this document is supposed to be HTML V4.0 compliant.

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!!! This document is stored in the ETH Web archive and is no longer maintained !!!
tutorial_pm.html / 2-may-2001 (ra) / reto ambühler