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trip report from the tenth World Wide Web conference in hong kong

first day

opening ceremony:

speakers: mr. nigel french, chairman WWW10, hong kong
mrs. carrie yau, secretary for information technology and broadcasting, government of hong kong

after a "roaring opening" with two dancing lions, mrs. carrie yau welcomed the 1220 registered attendees and declared the conference officially as opened. she said: "today, there is no stopping sign on the information highway" and "in hong kong, on-line government is up and running".

morning keynote by tim berners lee (W3C): "the web phase two":

tim announced, that XML schema is now a W3C recommendation !

he then asked: "this is the tenth conference, are we done now ?". "no", he said, "there is still a lot of work to be done". XML requires still a lot of work (XPointer, XInclude, XML query etc.) and all other areas of the web as well.

W3C track: XML overview - XML schema - XML query:

robert cailliau presented a medal of the city of geneva to tim berners lee to honor him as the inventor of the web.

"XML is the ASCII of the 21st century"

schemas, stylesheets, queries, they are just XML. no special tools needed to maintain. check out the primary about XML schema for more details.

the goal of the XML Query working group is to produce a data model for XML documents, a set of query operators on that data model and a query language based on these operators.
a first draft of the query language (XQuery) was published in february 2001. it may become a W3C recommendation sometime next year.

see also introduction to XML Schema.

afternoon keynote by chris jones (Microsoft): "next generation Internet opportunities":

three dreams:

  1. the Internet tidal wave continues (becomes center of everyday live)
  2. web services are the next wave (connecting "Internet island")
  3. let's work together (to enable the web, to unlock the web, to create web services)

webservices: use web based applications from other web based applications by calling them regardless of the platform they are residing on using XML.

project HailStorm: expose personal information on the web, such as email, contacts and calendar as queryable XML data. requires secure transaction, must be reliable and must guarantee privacy.

W3C track: semantic web overview - RDF - ontologies - new initiatives:

Semantic Web Activity: Resource Description Framework (RDF)

three new initiatives:

  1. information management & discovery
  2. workflow
  3. trust & proof

to main page

production note:

this trip report was written on a Vadem Clio C-1050 running Windows CE with Pocket Word. It was then transferred to a DELL Latitude notebook and modified as needed. this document is supposed to be HTML V4.0 compliant.

day_one.html / 9-may-2001 (ra) /
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reto ambühler